Abstract: The biological sciences are producing impressive amounts of information about how cells function in normal and diseased states. It is now becoming possible to use computers to accurately model the behavior of cells and predict how they will respond to changes in the environment, or to drugs. The NTNU project DrugLogics aims to develop and integrate computational, experimental and analytical approaches to predict and validate anti-cancer drug combinations and produce an integrated pipeline for rational screening of synergistic drugs and for clinical decision support in precision medicine. Scientists from many different backgrounds work together, in order to develop the different technologies and approaches that need to be integrated in order to efficiently use what we know about specific cells in the design of computer models that can mimic cells’ and tumours’ behaviour and that can assist hospital doctors in selecting therapies tailored to individual patients. The project reflects on the developing ecosystem of publicly available knowledge and databases – the Knowledge Commons, for which systems medicine is a key visionary driver.

Venue: Sala d’actes de la FiB

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Bioinfo4Women seminars / SORS

Venue: Barcelona

Date: 30/04/2019

Time: 11:00

Host: Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Multidisciplinary Qualities of Systems Medicine. The pleasure of working with bioinformaticians, medical doctors and philosophers


Astrid Lægreid

Professor in Functional Genomics at the Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, Trondheim.

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