

A Fellow to the Bioinfo4Women programme is a Woman Scientist that after completing their postdoctoral research at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), they have earned the opportunity to become principal investigators (PIs) at other research institutions. As PIs, they are leading research projects, mentoring students and junior researchers, and making discoveries in their respective fields. These women are role models for aspiring scientists with their contributions to science and their leadership. As Women Fellows, they are at the forefront of driving positive change and breaking down gender barriers in academia and research.



Vera Pancaldi



Group Leader at Centre de Recherches en Cancérologie de Toulouse and Senior Researcher at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. She joined the Computational Genomics group at the Life Sciences department in 2017. Previously she was a FEBS fellow in the Structural Biology and Biocomputing group at the CNIO (Spanish National Cancer Research Centre) in Madrid from 2012 to 2017. Before that she was awarded a postdoctoral research grant at the Cambridge University working on epigenetics and hybrid vigour in plants, and at the Sanger Institute and University College London working on fission yeast functional genomics. She obtained her PhD in engineering from Imperial College London. Her research focuses on the development of computational tools and methods to study gene regulation and epigenomics, with a particular interest in understanding how changes in gene expression contribute to disease. Her work has been published in numerous scientific journals and has contributed to advancing our understanding of complex biological systems.

Check her publications here.



Anaïs Baudot

CNRS researcher  and professor in Computational Biology, leading the group dedicated to Networks and Systems Biology for Diseases in the Marseille Medical Genetic Unit (MMG), with an affiliation to the BSC as an Established Researcher. Her main interests are to develop artificial intelligence and digital approaches to study human genetic diseases, with particular emphasis on rare diseases and developing computational tools and methods to study the structure and function of biological systems. Anaïs obtained her PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Montpellier in 2009, where she developed mathematical models to study the regulation of gene expression. She then spent several years as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institut Curie in Paris, where she worked on developing computational methods for analyzing cancer genomic data.

Since joining the University of Montpellier in 2013, Baudot has established a research program focused on studying the structure and function of biological networks, particularly those involved in cancer development and progression. Her lab has developed several computational tools for analyzing high-throughput genomic data, and has made significant contributions to understanding the role of network structures in cancer biology.


Check her publications here.

Check her research seminar here.



Milana Frenkel-Morgenster

Computational Biologist, she currently works at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. She is the head of the Genomic Data Science Lab and is also a member of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine. Her research focuses on using computational methods to study genomic data and its applications to personalized medicine. She obtained her PhD in Computer Science from Tel Aviv University in 2006, where she worked on developing algorithms for protein function prediction. She then spent several years as a postdoctoral researcher at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) in the United Kingdom, where she worked on developing computational methods for functional annotation of genomes.

Since joining Bar-Ilan University, Milana established a research program focused on studying the relationship between genomic variation and disease. Her lab has developed several computational tools for analyzing genomic data, including a tool for predicting the impact of genetic variants on protein structure and function. Her work has been published in numerous scientific journals, and she has received several awards for her contributions to the field of computational biology. She is also an active member of the international bioinformatics community, serving on the editorial boards of several scientific journals and participating in scientific conferences and workshops around the world.


Check her publications here.




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