The Women in Data Science (WiDS) initiative aims to inspire and educate data scientists around the world, with a focus on highlighting and promoting the interidsciplinar work done by outstanding female researches on the fields of biology, biomedicine and digital health.

In the last edition, celebrated at the Parc de Recerca Biomèdica (PRBB), many different up-to-date topics related to digital health were covered by experts. Among these, Atia Cortés, an established researcher at the BSC, will participate in the first round-table on the topic of: “Participación ciudadana, ética, y género”. Moreover, Maria José Rementeria, Head of Unit of the Social Link Analytics group at the BSC, also will participate on the second round table, this time on the topic of “Carreras en Data Science y Salud Digital”.

[Update from the event] Watch the recording of the event here.




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