BSC Life Sciences Open Day


The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) hosts an annual event called the BSC Open Day, which is aimed at university students interested in the field of bioinformatics. As part of the BSC’s Bioinfo4Women programme and in celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11th of February), the event provides an opportunity for visitors to learn about the latest research and technological developments in the field of biomedicine.

During the event, visitors will have the chance to attend informal talks with women bioinformatics researchers who work at the BSC. Topics covered in these talks include personalized medicine, genome analysis, natural language processing applied to biomedicine, the evolution of genomes from a molecular perspective, and infrastructure development. Visitors will also have the chance to virtually visit the MareNostrum 4, the most powerful supercomputer in Spain, which is used by the BSC for its research.

The BSC Open Day is an excellent opportunity for students to learn about the latest advances in bioinformatics and to gain insight into the work of women researchers in the field. The event is held every year and is free to attend, but places are limited to a maximum of 30 people, so early registration is recommended. 

Open Day 2023

This year’s event was held in person. We had a great participation rate!

Open Day 2022

The B4W Life Sciences Open Day 2022 was an online event due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Open Day 2021

For the first time and due to COVID-19 restrictions the B4W open day was held online.

Open Day 2020

Due to extenuating circumstances less participants were accepted during the 2020 edition.

Open Day 2019

In 2019, the first edition of the B4W Life Sciences Open Day was celebrated.


Participants and their feedback – 2023 edition

“I think it was a very grateful experience and I have learned a lot. I am looking forward to coming back to BSC!”

The last edition of the BSC Life Science Department Open Day was held on the 15th of February. It was a huge success, with a visit to the MareNostrum 4 supercomputer,  excellent talks from young and talented female computational biologists from the department, and a networking session. In the 2023 Open Day, we gathered attendees from various academic stages, institutions, and nationalities, who enjoyed the first contact with female researchers from different sub-fields of bioinformatics. It is an enriching experience that students at different points in their research career benefit from. Given the comfortable, open and friendly environment, the feedback from most attendees is remarkably positive [with an average overall rating of 5 points out of 5.].


From the internal data we gathered, this small panel was built, to showcase the distribution of gender, career stage and procedence of the participants of the Open Day 2023.




Check out our youtube playlist with all recorded seminars.

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