
Mentoring Programme for Young Scientists

The BSC Bioinfo4Women (B4W) International Mentoring Programme for Young Scientists aims to provide young scientists, particularly women, with the skills and knowledge necessary for future leadership positions in STEM. Mentees will be matched with international, high-profile, and accomplished scientists who will serve as their mentors, providing them with guidance, sharing their experiences, and acting as role models. The programme launched the pilot scheme in early 2022, with a duration of one year.

The mentors will receive training, supervision, and regular feedback, while the mentees will receive support and encouragement to develop new skills, improve their performance, and maximize their potential. The program aims to create a more collaborative scientific community where solidarity, gender equality, and excellence are the norms. The relationship between mentor and mentee is a learning relationship that involves sharing skills, knowledge, and expertise through developmental conversations, experience sharing, and role modeling. It is a two-way partnership for mutual learning that values differences. The benefits for mentors include career development, increased creativity and fresh ideas, personal satisfaction, and an increased role profile.







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